Team TSI Corporation: Providing Data-Driven Intelligence for Healthcare Practitioners
We have partnered with Team TSI because they are key players in the long-term care industry for data-driven intelligence. They offer solutions to assist with the various requirements for LTC providers such as reimbursements, survey preparedness, event tracking, and more. Team TSI has led the charge in this important space since 1991. With them you experience:
A Proven Track Record
Dedicated 24/7 Customer Support
Dynamic Dashboards and Customizable Reports
24-Hour Online Access
Team TSI Services Overview
Core Data Management
Team TSI's Core Data Management Suite (CDMS) gives you the tools you need to optimize clinical integrity and regulatory compliance. This service includes features such as MDS Analyzer, MDS Clinical Reporting, Customized Reporting, Regulatory Compliance, and more.
Quality Management
The Quality Management Suite responds to your need for a data-driven quality program to enhance the quality and compliance, reduce risk, increase transparency, and more. This service assists you with the Survey Process, Event Management, Concerns/Grievances, Meeting Management, and Rehospitalizations.
Customizable Dashboard
Team TSI offers a customizable dashboard to centralize your data from multiple sources: MDS, survey, five star, census, staffing, satisfaction survey, EMR and others. Not only does this dashboard give you information you need to do your job, it also interprets the information so you understand what your data is saying and can make actionable decisions from it.
Our Partnership, Your Benefit
Team TSI and Pioneer Technology are equally passionate about the specific needs of long-term care providers and practitioners. We both strive to identify ways of doing business that are best for the end-user so that work days are not interrupted, and are rather enhanced, by technology and data. We assist each other when providing end-to-end services for our customers so that no stone is left unturned in your pursuit of operational excellence and regulatory compliance.
Contact us today so we can help facilitate an introductory meeting with Team TSI, and gain a special partnership discount on Team TSI services when you choose to work with them to enhance your long-term care data-driven intelligence outcomes!